Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Skills and Prefection

The class today was a lot of fun . we all got the chance to make airplanes from our worksheets .
The task we got was to make an airplane that will fly well enough to be able to hit the white board. No one was actually able to accomplish this but a few people managed to get it very close to the white board. Since majority of the class failed at this attempt Mr.Rehan demonstrated and showed us how we could make a batter airplane than the ones that we already made .
Although this was a very fun and  simple exercise there was a meaning behind it . Sir made us do this in order to teach us about Transferable skills . 
Skill is an ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic, and sustained effort to smoothly and adaptively carryout complex activities or job functions involving ideas, things , and/or people ().( Business dictionary 2012 )
  •  technical skills
  •  interpersonal skills
  •  Communication skills
  •   Oral skills
  •    Leadership skills
  •    Transferable skills
In general Transferable skills can be defined as the following

  • communication: the ability to present an communicate in written and oral form and to use language appropriately in complex argument
  • problem-solving: the ability to identify and analyse practical issues arising in a situation and to offer a practical solution, making effective use of time and resources available
  • teamwork: the ability to establish working relations with others, to interact
    effectively, and to promote productive cooperation
  • autonomy and personal skills: the ability to act independently, to deal with the unexpected, to reflect on one’s own actions and to accept and provide constructive feedback
  • information technology: the ability to use IT tools and develop that use by integrating it into their own work
  • numeracy: the ability to make use of numerical and statistical information as part of an argument or in a report
  • intellectual skills: the ability to analyse, think critically
  • (UK center for legal education 2012)

    I think by the by the airplane exercise sir managed to teach us want transferable skills is not only in a very easy way but also in a way that we'll probably remember better and also in a way that we'll enjoy learning and what we learn.

    The topic that we had to discuss today was "Can imperfection create perfection? "
     sir told us about two was in which we can over come imperfection
    • To identify your weakness and improve it
    • to focus on your strengths and build it up to a good standard
         There was many ideas and views shared about this topic in class . some of them was
    1. perfection varies according to a person's point of view . what might seem as perfect to one person may seem as imperfect to another.
    2. perfection cant not be totally achieved by anyone because improvement can only happen when there is imperfection . if something is considered as perfect then it will remain the same forever without ever changing or improving.
    3. sometimes imperfection is needed to point out a flaw in something that is considered as perfect. because when you think that sum thing is perfect you never stop to see is there is something wrong.
    Personally I agree with all these comments . I think that there is no one that  is perfect .Think about it if you go to someone who you might consider to be perfect and ask that person if if he/she considers himself/herself to be perfect they will definitely tell that there is something imperfect about  them .Although we cant actually become perfect I believe that we can be a great person .And i think that a great person  is someone who can see past his/ her imperfections and work hard to being themselves  and to do what you can to the best of your abilities .


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