Sunday, March 18, 2012

Batter UP !!!!!

Continuing from my previous blog theses are the the 4th  and 5th components of study skills

04.Confidence and premonition
Its important for you to be confident about your self . confident but not over confident. Remember in life there is no end to how much you can learn so always be open minded to what happening around you and appreciate the advice you get from others it might actually help you.
There's always a particular pattern that occurs every where . When you are trying to get to the top opportunities will come your way and at that moment you have to be able to jump at the chance you get without being afraid to take the risk because if you hesitate then someone else will take that chance.
Last week i was looking at 2 HSBC billboards they have this written on it "wake up your college friend just had your dream wedding " / "wake up your college just bought your dream car"
although this add was to promote a offer at the bank there is something that i thought that we can learn form it and that is - dreams are important because that what makes us who we are but if you send your time only on dreaming but never taking a risk to make your dreams come true then is no point in dreaming cause someone else will take the chance that you were dreaming about !!! So when your chance comes just swing and score .

05.Familiarity:Practise and habit
To be able to be the best its important to practise put your methods and strategies into a habit. that way you wouldn't always have to remind your self what to do but it will automatically come to you .
there is a saying that "practise makes perfect" although i don't totally agree that anyone can be perfect but practise can take you one step closer to it .

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