Saturday, April 14, 2012

Importance of note taking

Hi readers:)
How often have you fallen asleep in class???? It happened to me once when I was in 10th grade during a science lesson J .  Have you ever wondered why lectures or seminars seem every boring.
Well it’s not because the topic is dead boring .its actually because we don’t pay attention to what is being said by the teacher or lecturer. That’s why note taking is very important. It keeps you involved during the lecture and it also keeps you active therefore less chance of you falling a sleep . note taking also provide you study material for exams ,then you don’t have to panic when a exam is close by J
Note taking is not only limited to the class room. This is use full when referencing a book, during group study or in seminar. (I know that most of you would go for a seminar if they are giving free food but try to stay focused J )
For this to work you have to become a good listener . my advice sit close to the lecturer especially when you know that a particular topic being discussed in class is boring for you.( then you wont fall asleep ). Caution – do not sit at the back of the class because the teacher is most likely to target you for questions and if you notice most lecturer or teachers don't just stay at the front of the class they walk up and down the class to notice who is paying attention in class. And although you think you cant be seen , people who always stay in the back are well noticed!!! My advice is if you don’t like the front then  switch were you sit at everyday ( then you should be able to confuse the teacher and stay out of the danger zone) . remember to never go to class with a heavy head ,always get a good nights rest it will help you to concentrate in class . One of my friends has this motto “eat first and then work”. I agree with her, you will never be able to get things done with a empty stomach, so eat before you go to class in the morning.

A little tip- when you are taking notes always pay attention to these words like however,because , for example, in other words ,in conclusions, remember this , this is important or the steps to this are . in short just pay attention to words that indicate impotence to certain things or that gives a sum up to you have been learning. In my next blog I’ll tell you about the SQ4R note taking method. Till then,

Happy reading and have a nice day J

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