Hi everyone :)
Today in class Mr.Rehan introduced us to he concept of personal branding . this is something that we all are familiar to but its never presented to us as "personal branding".
Basically self branding is the way that you present your self at work, university ,school or even when you are talking with your friends. even though you may not have noticed it but each person has a unique way of doing things . The way we talk , our personality and the way we dress are some of the things that define who you we are as individuals . Therefore these attributes define your personal brand. Like sir said we all already have branding all we have to do is to work on how to improve it.
Personal branding is basically the way you market yourself to the world. Your personal brand is what other people think of you. In some ways it’s outside your control, but you obviously have some influence over it. The way you think of your self will also have an effect on how others see you . if you know who you are and you are confident to show the world who you truly are that will make people see you as a confident and independent person, giving you an excellent branding.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Team roles
Hi everyone J
Driver -The driver is generally very ambitious and energetic. He or she may appear as impatient and impulsive. The driver is a strong motivator and will challenge others at crucial times. Although the actions of the driver may sometimes seem somewhat emotional, they do play a crucial role in pushing the team forward to succeed.
Mr.Rehan gave a link to a test that helps you to find out
what your role is in a team. Working in teams is very important when we start
working we will have no choice but to work together with our colleagues. Therefore its
important to understand what role you play in a team .
According to this test i play the role of a DRIVER in a
team.Driver -The driver is generally very ambitious and energetic. He or she may appear as impatient and impulsive. The driver is a strong motivator and will challenge others at crucial times. Although the actions of the driver may sometimes seem somewhat emotional, they do play a crucial role in pushing the team forward to succeed.
Well to some extent this is true . when ever I am placed in a
group to do a project or achieve some goal I always make sure that it gets done
on time . I kind of hate it when I see that someone in the team is not doing
the best he / she should be doing . if
that does happen I do tend to push them to get the job done. Some might say
that it’s a bit pushy but the thing is
in a team everyone has to play their part properly. So it kills me when I am
serious about the project and give it all I got and someone else just doesn’t do the same .
But I guess that’s why a driver is needed in the first place
right. Someone is needed to keep a eye on everyone and see that their part is
done properly.
Its important that everyone plays their role in the team .
for example lets take 4 people with 4 different team roles. A
analyst,driver,team player and innovator.The analyst will be able to check if
the decisions made by the team is the best option available, the driver can give a extra push when he/she realize that
the team is falling behind the schedule that will help the team to be successful . As an creative
individual the innovator may play a crucial role in the way a team approaches
tasks and solves problems and help to make the end result original .The team
player will be able to keep the harmony in the team and be able to help and
care for everyone in the team .
If everyone in the team can only play the same role there
would be on diverse of ability in the team .everyone would only be good at
doing one thing . for example-if everyone was a analyst the team would be able
to come up with the best solution but they might not be able to put it to
action without a innovator. If everyone was a driver without any innovators or
team player the team might just drive each other crazyJ
Therefore its important that a team consist of people who can
play different roles. And remember there is no "I" in the word" TEAM " so working together is very important
This is a link to the test see what role you are better at :) Team roles test
happy reading :)
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Importance of note taking
Hi readers:)
How often have you fallen asleep in class???? It happened to
me once when I was in 10th grade during a science lesson J . Have you ever wondered why lectures or
seminars seem every boring.
Well it’s not because the topic is dead boring .its actually
because we don’t pay attention to what is being said by the teacher or lecturer.
That’s why note taking is very important. It keeps you involved during the
lecture and it also keeps you active therefore less chance of you falling a
sleep . note taking also provide you study material for exams ,then you don’t
have to panic when a exam is close by J
Note taking is not only limited to the class room. This is use full when referencing a book, during group study or in seminar. (I know that most of you would go for a seminar if they are giving free food but try to stay focused J )
For this to work you have to become a good listener . my advice sit close to the lecturer especially when you know that a particular topic being discussed in class is boring for you.( then you wont fall asleep ). Caution – do not sit at the back of the class because the teacher is most likely to target you for questions and if you notice most lecturer or teachers don't just stay at the front of the class they walk up and down the class to notice who is paying attention in class. And although you think you cant be seen , people who always stay in the back are well noticed!!! My advice is if you don’t like the front then switch were you sit at everyday ( then you should be able to confuse the teacher and stay out of the danger zone) . remember to never go to class with a heavy head ,always get a good nights rest it will help you to concentrate in class . One of my friends has this motto “eat first and then work”. I agree with her, you will never be able to get things done with a empty stomach, so eat before you go to class in the morning.
A little tip- when you are taking notes always pay attention to these words like however,because , for example, in other words ,in conclusions, remember this , this is important or the steps to this are . in short just pay attention to words that indicate impotence to certain things or that gives a sum up to you have been learning. In my next blog I’ll tell you about the SQ4R note taking method. Till then,
Happy reading and have a nice day J
One moment
Hey everyone:)
so did anyone get spooked by the tsunami warning??? I’m pretty sure that anyone
who leaves near the sea would have got worried especially if it effected you in
the last time it happened in 2004. Of course we were not home so we didn’t worry
but our neighbourhood was told to evacuate. I can imagine the state the people
around here would have been in.( I live in mount Lavinia and the tsunami did
effect the this area a little last time ). Thank God that it didn’t happen
again .Sri Lanka would have suffered a lot if it did. For all those who don’t believe
in a god you might want to think twice about it. People say that bad things
happen because there is no god but if that is so, then how do good things
happen???? I think bad things happen because
we humans make mistakes. We change the world and act recklessly without
thinking about the end results. But God still loves us and that’s why miracles
happen every day. It’s a miracle that we
were saved from another tsunami. It’s a miracle when a child born and it’s a
miracle that you are alive today.
My faith in Jesus is what keeps me going everyday. He is my
reason to live . What’s your reason????
one moment is all that takes to change your life forever . so don't let any moment pass by with any regrets. live life to the fullest ,laugh with joy and love unconditionally.
This blog is dedicated to all those how lost their loved ones to the tsunami in 2004 .
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
“Do teachers ruin the creativity of the students”
Hi all you bloggers out there :)
It's all about your how you see the situation. Don’t be closed minded towards anything . think of all the possibilities . and who knows one day you might be able see what the rest of the world is blind to . your creativity can never be ruined or be taken away from you. It s your to keep forever . you just have to find a way to bring it out .
That’s why I believe that teachers can not ruin a students creativity !!!!
well I'm blogging after a
very long time !!!!! so I'm going to try to catch up on what happen in the last
2 weeks.Well a lot of things happen but I think the best day was the
the day that we had the debate in class.
The topic was “Do teachers ruin the creativity of the
students” . the proposing team did bring out a few good points but the opposing
team managed to overpower them and win the debate . but on a personal point of
view I think that both teams were not prepared and failed the bring out heated arguments . When Mr.Rehan gave us the topic and told the whole class to
pick aside I really could decide if I was for the topic or against it . but
after looking back on my life I decided that I was against the topic .
The proposing team said that teachers don’t explain to us
why things are the way they are. For example “2+2=4” . has anyone ever told you
how this came to be ???? my guess is no . True sometimes are education system
works according to a traditional way and see a very rare change. But that doesn’t
mean that a students creativity will be ruined because of it . its up to the
student to think out if the box and find a way out of the traditional way and make
a change . people like Albert
Einstein and Bill gates were able
to accomplish this . they took the facts that was given to them and they saw
something that others were blind to .
In my personal experience teachers have played a very important role in
my life. They have not only helped in my education but they have also helped
me to become a better person . sometimes your attitude towards certain subjects
could be effected because of a certain teacher . it happened to me too. In 9th
grade i hated maths . that was because I could understand the method that the
teacher was using to teach us .but I didn’t give up on it .i tried to
understand us much as I could . and in 10th grade I started to love
maths and that was because the teacher was really awesome . but if I think
about it I would have hated maths in 10th grade as well if I gave up on it in 9th grade. It's all about your how you see the situation. Don’t be closed minded towards anything . think of all the possibilities . and who knows one day you might be able see what the rest of the world is blind to . your creativity can never be ruined or be taken away from you. It s your to keep forever . you just have to find a way to bring it out .
That’s why I believe that teachers can not ruin a students creativity !!!!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Bloom's taxonomy
hi everyone
when it comes to learning we all could use a little help . I think its important for everyone to understand their learning abilities in order to improve . Bloom's taxonomy explains about the domains of learning activities . this is a brief introduction to it
o Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude)
o Psycho motor: manual or physical skills (Skills)
Domains can be thought of as categories. These are often referred to as KSA (Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude). This taxonomy of learning behaviors can be thought of as “the goals of the learning process.” That is, after a learning episode, the learner should have acquired new skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes.
The cognitive domain involves knowledge and the development of intellectual skills. This includes the recall or recognition of specific facts, procedural patterns, and concepts that serve in the development of intellectual abilities and skills.
The affective
domain includes the manner in which we
deal with things emotionally, such as feelings, values, appreciation,
enthusiasms, motivations, and attitudes.
The psycho motor domain includes physical movement, coordination, and use of the motor-skill areas. Development of these skills requires practice and is measured in terms of speed, precision, distance, procedures, or techniques in execution.
when it comes to learning we all could use a little help . I think its important for everyone to understand their learning abilities in order to improve . Bloom's taxonomy explains about the domains of learning activities . this is a brief introduction to it
A committee of colleges, led by Benjamin Bloom (1956), identified
three domains of educational activities:
Cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge)o Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (Attitude)
o Psycho motor: manual or physical skills (Skills)
Domains can be thought of as categories. These are often referred to as KSA (Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude). This taxonomy of learning behaviors can be thought of as “the goals of the learning process.” That is, after a learning episode, the learner should have acquired new skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes.
The cognitive domain involves knowledge and the development of intellectual skills. This includes the recall or recognition of specific facts, procedural patterns, and concepts that serve in the development of intellectual abilities and skills.

The psycho motor domain includes physical movement, coordination, and use of the motor-skill areas. Development of these skills requires practice and is measured in terms of speed, precision, distance, procedures, or techniques in execution.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Nothing is useless
Hi everyone
when you are throwing something away have you ever thought if you could take something useless and make something out of it ???
well you can ,all it takes is a little imagination and creativity . We had to make something creative out of something totally useless . People in the class was able to make photo frames, pen holders, wall hanger and many more creative things out of things that are usually described as useless.
I made pen holder which is something everyone can use and its very easy to make.
All you need is
1.2 tissue papers' rolls (the part that's left over)
2.a small empty box
3.wrapping paper
4.super glue
5.a piece of a hard board
first cover the rolls and the box with the wrapping paper ant stick them together using super glue. then paste a hard board to the bottom so that the pens wont fall out. since a box is also attached to this it could hold other thins like glue bottles,staplers etc.
when you are throwing something away have you ever thought if you could take something useless and make something out of it ???
well you can ,all it takes is a little imagination and creativity . We had to make something creative out of something totally useless . People in the class was able to make photo frames, pen holders, wall hanger and many more creative things out of things that are usually described as useless.
I made pen holder which is something everyone can use and its very easy to make.
All you need is
1.2 tissue papers' rolls (the part that's left over)
2.a small empty box
3.wrapping paper
4.super glue
5.a piece of a hard board
first cover the rolls and the box with the wrapping paper ant stick them together using super glue. then paste a hard board to the bottom so that the pens wont fall out. since a box is also attached to this it could hold other thins like glue bottles,staplers etc.
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